mardi 8 mai 2012

Muddy Colors

Ok, it's now official :)
I'm very happy to be a new member of Muddy Colors.
If you don't know this blog, just take a look, there are so many artists I admired since years ...
Btw, I'm the first "digital" painter and I hope I could post interesting articles ^^

3 commentaires:

  1. Enhorabuena!!!! Felicitations!!!!

  2. Congrats, It'll be great to read your posts in that blog.

  3. Congratulations and good Luck, Serge!!!. I wish you could put us free videotutorials on Muddy Colors for the people haven't got two pennies to rub together and they can't pay for it. A idea, talk us with your pretty french accent with incorporate subtitles for understand you, in English, of course. Too could put theirs tutorials in writing.
