Well, I've got a lot of demands for a hair and skin making-of ... that's my reply :)
I tried (once again) to do a video tutorial but my computer is too slow, so I've done screenshots :/
Its not a very original or creative picture but at least you've got all the steps.
It's 100% airbrushed picture (except for the hair).
I used a very kitsch picture of Irina Sheik (I don't know who she is ^^') .
I didn't use ref for the vinyl part.
the hand belongs to my beloved one :)
I don't have time to write all the explanations :p
Note that it's nearly a COPY of a picture, it's far more easy than caricature, even if the method is the same.DON'T USE colors picking (it's very dangerous, the jpeg compression generated a lot of "aberrant" pixels). You can desaturated your picture and your ref to compare the contrast and the luminosity.
Hope it will be useful to someone.